India’s progress is depends on only on the development of villages: Gandhi. DgGram
'Digital India' Digital Maharashtra, Digital Ghotawade Grampanchayat. We have tried to make Villages digitally sound!
DgGram Ghotawade Gram Panchayat App advantages:
• Paper less management
• save time
• Innovative schemes to take advantage comes together
• Facilitates directly related to his problems and gets him to choose someone.
• Krushiking APP will help increase your income from amongst agricultural information.
• Get certificates on one click.
• 7/12 facility
• Villagers / ration card holders receive material information from the ration shop
• help to extend the digital WORLD.
• Information on all of the provisions of the Official Plan.
Ghotawade Grampanchayat APP Features:
Home screen: you will see your information and Krushiking and Grampanchayat information, see the current affairs, posts about new developments in the village.
My Village: Detailed information, important contacts, photos, Applied schemes, as well as be an important link in our daily lives, all the information about the Gram Panchayat, village executive committee, a committee of government, and all the village members’ information.
Certificates: Certificates for citizens, for them to get information about the documents required, the time, the demand for citizen certificates can also ask questions and get feedback for the same.
Health - villages in the disease and its various measures, while vaccination, health check-up camp and get information about the program. We can ask questions to the Health Department. Understand information about the new program and the activities of the health department.
Education - village primary, secondary, high school / college information, information about various government schemes, Academic plan, program, project etc.
Ration - Own ration card.
Revenue- Information about related activities.
Advertising - Digital advertising can support generate revenue.
E-Payment- Local Village Tax payment, mobile recharge, train booking, bus booking can be done.
印度的进步是只依赖于村庄的发展:甘地。 DgGram
“数字印度马哈拉施特拉邦的数字,数字Ghotawade Grampanchayat。我们试图让村数字声音!
DgGram Ghotawade革兰氏无党派评议会应用优势:
• 省时间
•Krushiking APP,将有助于当中的农业信息增加你的收入。
Ghotawade Grampanchayat APP特点:
健康 - 在疾病和各种措施的村庄,而疫苗接种,健康体检阵营和获取有关程序的信息。我们可以提出问题向卫生局。了解有关新计划和卫生部门的活动信息。
教育 - 村小学,中学,学校高/大学的信息,关于各政府计划的信息,学术规划,计划,项目等。
理性 - 自己的配给卡。
广告 - 数字广告可以支持产生收入。